I haven't had much time to go through my photos from our trip to Vietnam a few months ago. Every time I try and sit down to pick a few to share, I find it hard to choose. So, instead of going through all of them at once, I've decided to slowly share some of my favorites.
Vietnamese street food has to go down as the most memorable aspect of our trip. Just a few steps on the streets of Hanoi, and we knew that the hype was legit. From that early moment to our very last steps in Hoi An, we spent nearly every minute talking about what we had just seen or tasted... and what we planned on trying next. Some of the very best food was the unexpected treats following an already delicious meal, when we'd decide to try just one more thing. We were never sorry. Well, Nick was never sorry. My first-world, middle-America stomach got pushed to the limit one day, but it was still totally worth it!
Below are a few of those moments, mostly some portraits of the friendly street vendors... just regular women cooking and serving their specialty on a daily basis for some extra cash. And don't worry: there will certainly be more Vietnamese food photos coming soon.